Advancing Insurance Operations
with ScerIS

In the intricate landscape of insurance, balancing streamlined operations with exceptional customer service is pivotal. ScerIS offers a gateway to optimizing business processes, whether for a specific department or across your entire enterprise, while upholding the hallmark of superior customer engagement.

Dive into a realm where automation meets tradition, as ScerIS transforms labor-intensive, transaction-oriented processes with streamlined workflows and online process enhancements. Our systems are engineered to catalyze immediate operational improvements, ensuring swift and engaging customer interactions alongside significant cost reductions.

With ScerIS, you’re not just adopting a solution; you’re embracing a partner committed to reinforcing the enduring values that have shaped the insurance industry. Our blend of cutting-edge technology and outsourcing capabilities provides a comprehensive resource for insurance organizations, propelling you towards a horizon of refined operational excellence and enriched service delivery.

Discover the ScerIS difference and how it redefines operational efficiency in the insurance sector. Explore a suite of solutions tailored to elevate your organization’s performance while cherishing the core essence of customer-centric service. Your journey towards a modern, efficient, and customer-friendly insurance operation begins with ScerIS.


  • Property & Casualty Carriers

  • Life Insurance Carriers

  • Reinsurance Companies

  • Managing General Agents (MGA)

  • Third-Party Administrators (TPA)

  • Claim Service Providers

  • Alternative Risk Organizations

Solutions Targeting:

  • Claims Management

  • Premium Billing and Collections

  • Underwriting

  • Reinsurance

  • Policy Writing and Issuance

  • Agency Management

  • Broker Workflow

  • Records Conversion

  • Certificates of Insurance

  • Compliance and Risk Management

  • Human Resources

  • Contract Management

  • Order Processing

  • Customer Service

  • Accounts Payable

  • Expense Account Management

  • Accounts Receivable

  • Purchasing

  • Payroll / Time & Attendance