Elevating Professional
Services with ScerIS

In the competitive landscape of professional services, your prowess, reputation, and ethical standing are your badges of honor. Yet, in a competitive market, the infusion of technology not only amplifies your service quality but also carves paths to cost-effectiveness and informed decision-making. ScerIS is here to intertwine innovative technology solutions with your expertise, helping propel your service delivery to distinguished heights.

At ScerIS, we understand the essence of process optimization in nurturing an environment where efficiency and quality thrive. Our solutions are crafted to transition your manual, paper-dependent processes into a streamlined digital workflow. Whether paper documents are a necessity or a choice in your organization, our automation tools are tailored to reduce manual efforts, trim down operational costs, and introduce an era of online convenience.

Experience the ease of accessibility and portability of information with ScerIS. Our solutions breathe digital life into your project documents and case files, making them easily accessible and portable, a feature indispensable in today’s fast-paced service landscape. With the ability to seamlessly integrate with your existing applications and ERP systems, we ensure a smooth transition towards digital transformation.

Our offerings are not just about a one-time change; they are about fostering a culture of continual improvement, one department at a time, across the entire enterprise. It’s about leveraging technology to enhance your service quality, manage projects proficiently, and ultimately, bolster your bottom line.

Embark on a journey of transformation that mirrors your commitment to excellence and ethos of continual improvement. Explore a spectrum of solutions that are curated to empower professional service providers in delivering unparalleled service, every time. Your pursuit of excellence is a shared endeavor, and together with ScerIS, a horizon of possibilities awaits.

And when ready, speak with your ScerIS representative to evaluate how we can work effectively together to bring innovative technology solutions based on the ScerIS ETCETERA® platform to your customers, helping them achieve increased operational and financial performance.


  • Accounting / CPA Firms / Tax Preparation

  • Architectural / Engineering

  • Surveyors and Mapping

  • Computer Systems / Software Development

  • Management Consulting

  • Environmental Consulting

  • Research and Development

  • Human Resources / Employment Services / Temporary Help

  • Direct Sales (DSO)

  • Data Processing / Hosting / Information Services

  • Freight Payment

Solutions Targeting:

  • Invoicing, Accounts Receivables and Collections

  • Electronic Records Management

  • Client Records Management

  • Contract Management

  • Compliance and Risk Management

  • Human Resources

  • Order Processing

  • Customer Service

  • Accounts Payable

  • Expense Account Management

  • Accounts Receivable

  • Purchasing

  • Payroll / Time & Attendance